the magic key

美 [ðə ˈmædʒɪk kiː]英 [ðə ˈmædʒɪk kiː]
  • 网络神奇的钥匙;歌曲名;神奇之钥;街舞;英文歌曲
the magic keythe magic key
  1. Chrome yellow is the magic key to this picture .


  2. Niche : the Magic Key to Subdue for the Medium-sized and Small Enterprises


  3. Keeping the Excellent Spirit Status of Leading Team is the Magic Key to Overcome Difficulty and Gain Victory for Enterprises in Difficult Position


  4. " The Principles of Truth are Seven ; he who knows these , understandingly , possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open . " - the Kybalion .


  5. In a 21st-century version of Bonnie and Clyde , this would be the moment when spooky music starts to play and bankers fear that robbers are in the vaults with a magic key capable of unpicking their locks .
